Obituary of Peter Scheid
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Peter Scheid of Saint John on November 30, 2004, at the age of 65. He was born in Germany, firstborn of Lieselotte and Wilhelm Scheid. He is survived by his wife of fifteen years, Wibke of Montreal, his son Andreas of Schefferville together with his son Matthias of Toronto, his daughter Ursula of Vancouver and his brother Wolfgang along with his wife Suzanne of Thomasburg, Ontario. He will be remembered by his nieces Stephanie and Ingrid in Ontario, and their children, Kaelan, Danielle and Carissa and Merik and Brett. Peter's Verwandschaft in Deutschland schliesst sich den Trauernden an und erinnert sich an seine Gutmütlichkeit und Freude am Leben. Es hinterbleiben in stiller Trauer, Tante Fee, Evi und Bärbel, Norbert und Barbara, Ingeborg und Jürgen mit Familie, Dieter und Brunhilde, Angelika und Martin. There will be no visitation, however, a small gathering will be held for reflection on Peter's life and passing on Sunday, December 5, 2004 at 2:00 at Brenan's Bay View Select Community Funeral Home, 1461 Manawagonish Road (634-7425). Remembrances made to the War Amps of Canada would be appreciated.