Obituary of Sister Anne K. Fix
the death of Sister Anne K. Fix (Sr. Mary Julienne) of Ruth Ross Residence, occurred at her residence on Tuesday, April 6, 2004. Sister was born in Russia, a daughter of the late Michael and Barbara (Klein) Fix. Sister Fix entered the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception on September 1, 1928. She worked as a Medical Records Librarian at St. Joseph's Hospital, Radway, Alberta (1933-1937) and Holy Family Hospital in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (1948-1970). Sister Anne also cared for infants at Our Lady of Mercy Home in Vancouver (1937-1948). While in Vancouver Sister Anne served as Medical Librarian, Sacristan and Pastoral Visitor at St. Vincent's Hospital (1970-1980) and at the Archives of the Archdiocese of Vancouver (1978-1980). She is survived by one brother, Rev. Val J. Fix, O.M.I., Penticton, B.C.; one sister, Mrs. Angela Kartusch of Regina; one nieces; and two nephews. Resting at St. Vincent's Convent, 31 Cliff St., with visiting on Wednesday from 7 to 9. Funeral Service will be held in St. Vincent's Chapel on Thursday morning at twelve o'clock. Interment will take place in the Sisters of Charity Plot in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Solemn Vespers will be held on Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. Memorial Mass will be celebrated at Rocmaura Chapel on Monday morning at ten o'clock.